As the name suggests sound therapy is an extremely healing treatment practised since times originating from the Tibetan/Himalayan culture, the ancient Egyptians believed sound could be effective in treating illness, the Native American tribes also believed that this sound had great healing powers and ancient India, sound was used in the practice of Nada Yoga bringing calm to mind, body spirit.
This healing therapy has become extremely popular today and is practised as an effective treatment in the “HOLISTIC” approach to HEALTH AND WELLNESS, the natural way.
Sound healings are based on the principle of all things in the entire universe vibrate at its own unique frequency. When we are in harmony with these frequencies, we enjoy great balance of health and wellbeing. Everyday life puts the physical mental/emotional body under pressure creating an imbalance in turn causing illness. Each session is specifically designed to restore vibrations helping to realign the mind body and spirit with the natural flow of energy. Sound is so powerful it connects us to the spirit of our ancestors. The use of flutes ancient melodies (Pre-Inca music) is particularly powerful in this regard connecting us to our deepest roots.

Through different and varied sound produced from instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, chimes, rattles, bells, drums together with meditation, chant, mantras, music to name but a few, produces a profound effect not only on physical wellbeing (the scientific way) but also on the mental emotional and spiritual level of a person. This evokes a healing response in the body, as the cells of the body resonate with the healing sound allowing the body to heal naturally.
From my own personal experience, I would term it “a calling home to the heart, soul and spirit”.

The practitioner’s role is one of facilitation only holding a safe space, thus allowing the person complete control in their own healing.

This therapy must be experienced to believe in its wonderful healing powers.

Sound Therapy is generally performed on a one to one basis at the clinic and each treatment is structured to your needs.
Sound Baths are group based and can be executed in any setting of your choice. For more information on sound baths Click Here

For an appointment phone Bernadette 0863893413, email